2018 China-Austria Postgraduate Seminar

Editors:Conference Secretariat Release time:2020-12-21 Clicks:[]

On September 20, the first "China-Austria  Postgraduate Seminar" was successfully held. The conference was  organized by the School of Materials and Metallurgy, The State Key  Laboratory of Refractory and Metallurgy, National-provincial Joint  Engineering Research Center of High Temperature Materials and Lining  Technology, and the Graduate School and the Office of International  Exchange was co-organizer.

5  Ph.Ds from Montanuniversitaet Leoben and 5 Ph.Ds from Wuhan University  of Science and Technology gave 10 lectures. The content covers the  composition and microstructure design of refractory materials, the  preparation and characterization of lightweight foam ceramics, the  research methods of high-temperature in-situ crystallization behavior,  the application of discrete element and finite element simulation  techniques in refractories, the high-temperature mechanical behavior of  refractories and Research on the hydration mechanism of new binders for  refractory castables. More than 50 teachers and students from the School  of Materials and Metallurgy participated in this seminar and conducted  lively discussions on the issues of interest. The academic atmosphere  was strong.

China  and Austria have established and maintained a good cooperative  partnership since 2008, and have achieved remarkable results in mutual  recognition of undergraduate divisions, cooperative application of  scientific research projects, joint application of international joint  laboratories and exchange of scholars to conduct experimental research.


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