2020 International Postgraduates Seminar

Editors:Conference Secretariat Release time:2020-12-21 Clicks:[]

The  3rd International Refractory Postgraduate Seminar organized by Wuhan  University of Science and Technology, Montanuniversitaet Leoben and Technische Universitaet Bergakademie Freiberg on October 13-14, 2020 was successfully held.The conference was held online. Vice President Liu Jing delivered a welcome speech on behalf of the school, and ProfessorYawei Li,  Professor Harald Harmuth and Professor Christos Aneziris delivered  closing speeches on behalf of the organizer. The opening ceremony of the  seminar was hosted by Professor Ao Huang.


The seminar was attended by 11 graduate students fromMontanuniversitaet  Leoben, Technische Universitaet Bergakademie Freiberg, University of  Limoges, University of Orleans, AGH University of Science and  Technology, as well as from Wuhan University of Science and Technology,  University of Science and TechnologyBeijing,Xi’an University of  Architecture and Technology, University of Science and TechnologyLiaoning,  Northeastern University and Zhengzhou University gave 26 research  reports. Its themes cover four aspects of raw materials, preparation,  characterization and simulation. The content involves the utilization of  secondary resources, material preparation, new methods and new methods  in the field of refractory materials. It reflects the current research  trends of refractory materials in universities in the above-mentioned  countries, and creates innovations for graduate students. The  opportunity to learn from each other broadened the students’  international horizons.




This seminar is a successful held after the 2018 China-AustriaPostgraduate Seminar and the 2019 China-Austria-Germany Postgraduate Seminar.  The conference was supported by the “Belt and Road” International  Science and Technology Organization Platform and the Hubei Province  Advanced Refractory Material Innovation and Intelligence Introduction  Base.


上一条:2021 International Postgraduates Seminar 下一条:2019 China-Germany-Austria Postgraduates Seminar
